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- 100 min
20 de jun. de 2023 · Surrounded: Az egykori „bölénykatona”, Mo Washington nyugatra utazik, hogy érvényesítse igényét egy aranybányára. Miután postakocsiját megtámadják, Mót megbízzák egy veszélyes törvényen kívüli foglyul ejtésével, és túl kell élnie azt a napot, amikor a foglyát me...
Hypnotic (2023 film)
20 de jun. de 2023 · Playing a woman disguising herself as a man, Wright is haunting and haunted, and Michael K. Williams is an energetic presence in one of his last roles.
17 de mai. de 2023 · A atriz de Pantera Negra Letitia Wright e o ator Michael K. Williams, falecido em setembro de 2021, vão estrelar o novo filme de faroeste “Surrounded”. O trailer do longa foi divulgado na última semana e o longa deve estrear em junho nos EUA. A história do filme se passa cinco anos depois da Guerra […]
22 de jun. de 2023 · Visually stunning, Surrounded does a good job executing the essential elements of the genre. While Letitia Wright delivers an earnest performance, the character lacks depth. We only get information, but we do not get to know the person in her entirety. Surrounded is Michael Kenneth Williams’s last film, and he was a delight to watch on-screen.