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  1. Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.

    • Release Highlights
    • GPU Rendering
    • Context-Aware Auto Complete
    • Tab Multi-Select
    • Hon 3.8 API
    • Goto Symbol
    • Syntax Definitions
    • Platform Integration
    • Application Behavior
    • Auto Complete
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec
    Multi-select tabs to view them side-by-side
    Context-aware auto complete by finding similar code elsewhere in the current project
    Symbols have kind information that is shown for completions and navigation
    Theme can follow system dark mode preference and title bars can be themed on all platforms
    New hardware_accelerationsetting will composite the UI on the GPU
    By default, GPU rendering is enabled on Mac, and disabled on Windows and Linux
    Details about the active GPU will be displayed in the Console
    The auto complete engine now suggests completions based on patterns in existing code
    Uses the entire project as a source, instead of just the current view
    Plugins may specify symbol kind info to be displayed in suggestions list
    Multiple tabs can be selected using ctrl/cmd, their contents will be shown side-by-side
    Selecting multiple files from the sidebar will also preview them simultaneously
    Included themes have a tab connector joining the active sheet and tab when using sheet multi-select
    The sidebar can now select multiple files using alt
    Added a Python 3.8 API environment for plugins
    Plugins can choose Python version via .python-versionfile in plugin folder
    Existing plugins are fully supported via legacy Python 3.3 API
    Many API improvements and additions - see API section for more details
    Goto Symbol in Project is now significantly faster on huge projects
    Icons are now shown next to symbols, indicating the symbol kind
    Symbols with 3 characters or less are now indexed
    Added out of the box support for TypeScript, JSX and TSX - thanks to Thomas Smith
    Added ability to "branch" within syntax definitions, for non-deterministic or multi-line constructs
    Many syntax highlighting improvements, including significant improvements to:
    Significantly improved load times, match times and reduced cache size on disk
    Added automatic dark/light theme and color scheme switching, based on OS theme changes
    subl -can now be used to read from stdin on all platforms
    Windows will remember their Virtual Desktop/Space/Workspace, controlled by the remember_workspacesetting
    Scroll bars now follow platform conventions when clicking on them. Configurable using Scroll Bar.sublime-mousemap
    Added Safe Mode, to simulate a clean install. Enabled by passing --safe-mode on the command line or holding shift+alt/optionat startup on Windows/macOS respectively
    Added Help/Report a Bugto link to our public issue tracker
    Added options to hot_exitsetting to control behavior when the last window is closed
    Fixed a possible case where an update loses the current session
    Typing the full tab trigger of a snippet will move it to the top of the results
    Manually typing in the only available completion will hide the auto complete popup
    .sublime-completion files can now specify annotation, kind and details
    Ranking quality improvements

    Sublime Text 4 is a powerful text editor for code, markup and prose. Download the latest version for macOS, Windows and Linux, or see the changelog for new features and bug fixes.

  2. Sublime é um adjetivo que significa que algo é magnífico, extraordinário, divino ou perfeito. Também é um substantivo que se refere ao grau mais elevado de perfeição. Veja a origem, a classe gramatical, a separação silábica e frases com a palavra sublime.

  3. Sublime Text 3 is a powerful text editor for code, markup and prose. Download the latest version for OS X, Windows or Linux, or see the changelog for new features and improvements.

  4. 14 de ago. de 2024 · A palavra “sublime” possui um significado profundo e multifacetado, sendo frequentemente utilizada em contextos que vão desde a estética até a filosofia. Em sua essência, o termo refere-se a algo que provoca admiração intensa, elevando o espírito e os sentidos.

  5. O belo; o máximo da perfeição, da beleza (nas obras artísticas); estilo sublime.

  6. SUBLIME tradução: sublime, sublime, absoluto, sublime. Veja mais em Dicionário Cambridge inglês-português

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