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  1. Há 3 horas · In an interview in Quanta (Strogatz 2024), Iain Couzin explained that Placozoa is “a basal phylum, possibly the simplest multicellular animal on the planet; it’s a swarm of cells, thousands of cells, much moving like a bird flock or a fish school”—this tiny “swarm of cells actually has the genetic complexity that you would associate with a much more sophisticated organism.

  2. Há 3 horas · iste steven strogatz in nonlinear dynamics and chaos kitabindan lineer bir model. parametreleri kendinize gore degistip simule ederek geleceginizi ...

  3. Há 3 horas · 二十七、 史蒂夫·斯托加茨 (Steven Henry Strogatz) 《微积分的力量(从宇宙的深奥谜题,到科技的发明创造,再到日常的衣食住行,微积分的力量无处不在。