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  1. Stanislaus Joyce was more than his brother's he was at various times his brother's co-dependent, touchstone, conscience, and biggest fan. The two shared the same genius, the same childhood influences, and had the same literary instinct, but in Stanislaus it was channeled into sober academic pursuit, while in James it evolved into gaiety, wild whimsy, and at times sodden despair.

  2. John Stanislaus Joyce was able to trace his family line back to his great-grandfather, a certain George Joyce, who flourished about the end of the eighteenth century. But as John Stanislaus was the only son of an only son of an only son, there seemed to be no immediate Joyce relatives by whom the family traditions in which he set such great store could be confirmed.

  3. Joyce always felt that he had been betrayed, however, and the theme of betrayal runs through much of his later writings. When Italy declared war in 1915 Stanislaus was interned, but James and his family were allowed to go to Zürich.

  4. 约翰·斯坦尼斯劳斯·乔伊斯(John Stanislaus Joyce,1884年12月17日-1955年6月16日)是一位爱尔兰教师、学者、日记作者和作家,在的里雅斯特生活了多年。他是詹姆斯·乔伊斯的弟弟。他通常被称为斯坦尼斯劳斯·乔伊斯,以区别于他的同名 父亲。

  5. Stanislaus Joyce (1884–1955) was an Irish writer and teacher. Brother of James Joyce, he lived for a time in Italy. He passed away in 1955 in Trieste.

  6. Nei quindici racconti di Gente di Dublino (Dubliners), James Joyce riassume il suo rapporto con la propria città natale, ne denuncia la paralisi soffermandosi su una serie di figure da lui conosciute direttamente. Il libro esce nel 1914, dopo aver subito innumerevoli rifiuti da parte di varie case editrici. La maggior parte dei racconti viene scritta da Joyce fra il 1904 e il 1905 e la ...

  7. Patrick Tuohy (1894–1930), Portrait of John Stanislaus Joyce, ca. 1923–24, Oil on canvas, The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York