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  1. 15 de fev. de 2004 · If you can post your source and dsn file we'll have a look. Typically this happens when you externally wire a crystal etc. - this introduces an extremely high speed oscillator which bottlenecks the simulation and is completely superfluous anyway. Clock frequency is specified as a property of the microcontroller device.

  2. 28 de dez. de 2011 · You need a high speed op amp with some current output capability (at least 100 mA). You also need to protect the varactor from inadvertent burn-out if forward biased. So there are two basic circuits: The single ended rail-to-rail op amp can not blow out the diode with a forward bias, so you can hook it up directly.

  3. 12 de jun. de 2004 · hspice speed up simulation Besides fast options, autostop can help you as well. In addition, increase step for transient, AC,DC will help when too small is not necessary. Of course employing multi-cpu and use multi-thread job can make simulation fast dramatically.

  4. 31 de jan. de 2024 · You need to apply voltage gain so that dV/dt out is over 5 times the 'leading edge' of the STM32. drive signal. A fast NPN transistor, with R//C emitter load, possibly in cascode with a higher voltage. drive transistor, can give you a fast output fall-time, and Baker-clamping the base to collector can get you.

  5. 8 de ago. de 2008 · This sounds as though you want to examine 5 seconds operation of a circuit running at 1 GHz. It's an example of mixing micro and macro events. It becomes mismatched and unwieldy in simulation. (It is not a problem with real electronics, of course.) Consider trying a longer timestep. Also try a slower switching rate in your simulated circuit.

  6. 11 de fev. de 2006 · 2,986. Re: speeding ADS. Just go to the task manager and in processes tab pick proper and give to it max priority, also do not tale a lot of points to run. But of course you can do it with other 3D simulators and for sure they will be more faster (like HFSS, CST etc.) David. radha. R.

  7. 19 de abr. de 2006 · For 220V DC motor 5 HP, BT152 SCR will be suitable which has current rating of 15-20A as my motor need 16A. Mmmhhh I'm not sure, but remember that a motor can use 3 times the nominal current at startup. Maybe you need >48amps SCR's. You should check it before you buy them 'cause they're expensive.

  8. 27 de jun. de 2007 · If you want to meaure switching speed of a SPDT switch, you can use the R&S power sensor NRP-Z81 to capture the switching time. The smallest capture time can be 5ns. R&S have one PC power sensor software , the power sensor can connect with USB. Very easy to use. In the switching time measurement for SPDT, you can use function generator or ...

  9. 7 de out. de 2001 · When a load torque (say 1Nm) is applied, the motor speed will drop. This will increase the potential difference (VBUS - E), which will result in higher current to be pumped into the motor. As a result, the motor accelerates and tries to achieve 1500RPM.

  10. 27 de jan. de 2012 · My project is Using a Digilent BASYS FPGA board: Make a motor spin both directions. with variable speed that can be set with switches SW0 - SW7. The L298 Hbridge can be used. Care must be taken to protect the FPGA from excessive. current draw and large voltage transients.

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