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  1. Silliman is the largest college at Yale in terms of area, occupying most of a city block. Whereas other colleges house their first-year students on Old Campus, first years in Silliman College and Timothy Dwight College (our rival) enjoy the privilege of living in their own colleges!

  2. Silliman College is a residential college at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, named for scientist and Yale professor Benjamin Silliman. It opened in September 1940 as the last of the original ten residential colleges, and contains buildings constructed as early as 1901.

  3. About Silliman. In this section you can find information about: General Information. Our History. Residential Fellows. Faculty, Staff and Affilated Fellows. Graduate Affiliates. Building & Dining Team. Contact Information.

  4. Silliman College was opened in 1940 as the last of the original ten colleges. The college incorporated the Vanderbilt-Sheffield dormitories and Byers Hall, the latter of which contains the Dining Hall, Common Room and Library.

  5. › about-silliman › historyHistory - Silliman College

    Silliman College was built on land that was home to the Algonquian Indians, dating back as far as 8000 years ago. This tribe, later renamed by the British as the Quinnipiac Indians, suffered significant population losses due to diseases inflicted upon them by settlers who came to the area.

  6. Silliman University is home to over 10,000 students. Of this number, around 300 are international from 53 countries across the globe. The University is an ideal choice for students in search of the best of a laid-back environment located within the progressive and safe University Town of Dumaguete.

  7. Silliman University – Newcastle University Double Degree Program: [Master of Research in Marine Ecosystems and Governance (Newcastle University) and Master of Research in Tropical Biological Oceanography (Silliman University)]

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