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  1. 12 de set. de 2024 · A Deluge for the Sahara. The Sahara Desert is renowned for its barren, arid landscapes that, in some areas, receive just a few inches (tens of millimeters) of rain per year. Still, when it rains in the world’s largest non-polar desert, it can most certainly pour. The most recent example of this came in the form of an extratropical cyclone ...

  2. Há 2 dias · ECMWF. Más de la mitad del desierto del Sahara recibe menos de 25 mm de lluvia al año. Para las próximas semanas está previsto que caigan hasta 50 litros, un 500% por encima de la media de ...

  3. Nos dias 7 e 8 de setembro de 2024, um ciclone extratropical incomum atravessou o noroeste do Deserto do Saara, trazendo chuvas torrenciais para regiões de Marrocos, Argélia, Tunísia e Líbia. Este evento meteorológico raro resultou em precipitações que variaram de dezenas a mais de 200 milímetros, uma quantidade equivalente à média ...

  4. Há 2 dias · BySouhail Karam. September 17, 2024 at 10:35 AM EDT. Save. In 1975, colonial power Spain abandoned Western Sahara, and Morocco swooped in to claim the territory as its own. Some of the indigenous ...

  5. Há 3 dias · Según los datos recopilados en la última década, las lluvias en el sur del Sahara han sido más frecuentes y duraderas, generando condiciones favorables para el crecimiento de plantas resistentes a la sequía. Lo que antes era un paisaje de arenas y dunas interminables, ahora en algunos sectores comienza a mostrar un tapiz verde intermitente.

  6. Há 5 dias · CNN —. There isn’t much green in the Sahara Desert, but after an unusual influx of rain, the color can be seen from space creeping into parts of one of the driest places in the world ...

  7. Explore the Sahara Desert, the world's largest hot desert, as we unveil its breathtaking landscapes, unique wildlife, and fascinating climatology. Discover t...

  8. Western Sahara[a] is a disputed territory in North-western Africa. It has a surface area of 272,000 square kilometres (105,000 sq mi). [3] Approximately 30% of the territory (82,500 km 2 (31,900 sq mi)) is controlled by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR); the remaining 70% is occupied [4][5] and administered by neighboring Morocco. [6]

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