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  1. Há 21 horas · Depuis le nouveau désaccord politique avec la France sur le Sahara occidental, non seulement les consuls algériens ne délivrent plus de laissez-passer consulaires (LPC), indispensables pour ...

  2. Há 21 horas · United Nations Peacekeeping. Local Time. 14:18 - 07 Sep. All UN missions. MINURSO. United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara. Home ›. MINURSO’S PEACEKEEPERS: NATIONAL DAY OF BRAZIL.

  3. Há 21 horas · Quanto custam Lander, Sahara e Tornado. Conforme a tabela Fipe, a Tornado 300 costuma ser negociada a R$ 30.627. Ou seja, cerca de R$ 3 mil acima do preço geralmente encontrado para a Lander 250, de R$ 27.702. Já o valor de mercado da Sahara varia de R$ 31.965 a R$ 33.845, conforme a versão, numa média de R$ 32.845.

  4. Há 21 horas · Dertig jaar geleden. Het is al een tijd geleden dat de Sahara voor het laatst zoveel regen te verwerken kreeg: in september 1994 gebeurde dit ook. Is de huidige regenval het gevolg is van ...

  5. Há 21 horas · Case crollate e strade interrotte da Ouarzazate al Sahara. Piogge torrenziali si sono abbattute da venerdì notte sulla regione del sud del Marocco. Ouarzazate, un tempo caravanserraglio ora ...

  6. Há 21 horas · Samir Bennis, Co-founder of Morocco World News and expert in geopolitics, discussed on Friday his latest book on the Sahara dispute in an engaging interview on Medi1 TV’s “L’invité de la ...

  7. Há 21 horas · Dust from the Sahara and tropical wave bring complex weather to the Dominican Republic. Meteorological analyst Jean Suriel reported this past Tuesday that Saharan dust particles are in the Dominican Republic, making the sky slightly hazy and the atmosphere hot: today, the hot wind convection effect will be high in much of the country. At the ...

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