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Road Scholar: Directed by Roger Weisberg. With Andrei Codrescu, Allen Ginsberg. Andrei Cordescu, NPR journalist, Romanian immigrant, naturalized American citizen, and newly-licensed driver, sets out on a cross- country road trip.
- (143)
- Documentary
- Roger Weisberg
- 1993-07-16
Directed by Roger Weisberg. Andrei Cordescu, NPR journalist, Romanian immigrant, naturalized American citizen, and newly-licensed driver, sets out on a cross- country road trip.
- Roger Weisberg
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Visit the movie page for 'Road Scholar' on Moviefone. Discover the movie's synopsis, cast details and release date. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and movie review.
- (1)
- Allen Ginsberg, Andrei Codrescu
- Roger Weisberg
Andrei Cordescu, NPR journalist, Romanian immigrant, naturalized American citizen, and newly-licensed driver, sets out on a cross- country road trip. He travels from-sea-to-shining-sea in a red 1968 Cadillac ragtop, exploring the meaning of freedom to a variety of Americans.
Road Scholar is a Documentary directed by Roger Weisberg. Year: 1993. Original title: Road Scholar. Synopsis: Andrei Cordescu, NPR journalist, Romanian immigrant, naturalized American citizen, and newly-licensed driver, sets out on a cross- country road trip.
Road Scholar es un documental dirigido por Roger Weisberg. Año: 1993. Título original: Road Scholar. Sinopsis: Andrei Cordescu, periodista de la NPR, rumano inmigrante naturalizado ciudadano estadounidense, y con licencia de conducir recién adquirida, se embarca en un viaje por carretera.