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  1. › wiki › RenaissanceRenaissance - Wikipedia

    Associated with great social change in most fields and disciplines, including art, architecture, politics, literature, exploration and science, the Renaissance was first centered in the Republic of Florence, then spread to the rest of Italy and later throughout Europe.

  2. Aproveite as experiências exclusivas e descubra uma nova aventura em todos os momentos de sua viagem. Celebre a essência de São Paulo e conecte-se com a cidade no Renaissance São Paulo Hotel.

  3. Há 2 dias · The Renaissance was a period in European civilization that immediately followed the Middle Ages and reached its height in the 15th century. It is conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in Classical scholarship and values.

  4. Renascimento ou Renascença são os termos usados para identificar o período da história da Europa aproximadamente entre meados do século XIV e o fim do século XVI. Os estudiosos, contudo, não chegaram a um consenso sobre essa cronologia, havendo variações consideráveis nas datas conforme o autor.

  5. 4 de abr. de 2018 · During the Middle Ages, a period that took place between the fall of ancient Rome in 476 A.D. and the beginning of the 14th century, Europeans made few advances in science and art. Also known as ...

  6. The Renaissance was a period in European history when new ideas about art and science were developed and when new technologies, such as paper and gunpowder, were widely adopted. It began in Italy during the 14th century, and it marked the end of the Middle Ages.

  7. A Arte Renascentista (1350 – 1620 d.C.) [1] é a pintura, escultura e artes decorativas do período da história europeia conhecido como Renascimento, que surgiu como um estilo distinto na Itália por volta de 1400 d.C., em paralelo com os desenvolvimentos que ocorreram na filosofia, literatura, música, ciência e tecnologia.

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