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Pariah is a 1998 American dramatic film written and directed by Randolph Kret and starring Damon Jones, Dave Oren Ward, and Angela Jones. Synopsis. The gang-rape by a group of neo-Nazis of an African American woman, Sam (Elexa Williams), triggers her suicide.
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17 de jan. de 1998 · Overview. An interracial couple is attacked and the woman is gang-raped in a random attack. This prompts the woman to commit suicide and the man decides to seek revenge from the inside by joining the gang.
Sinopse. Um casal interracial é atacado e a mulher é estuprada por uma gangue em um ataque aleatório. Isso leva a mulher ao suicídio e o homem decide se vingar por dentro, juntando-se à gangue.
- Randolph Kret
- Damon Jones
Pariah (1998) View more photos Movie Info Synopsis Seeking revenge, a young man feigns allegiance to skinheads who raped his girlfriend and drove her to kill herself.
- (14)
- Randolph Kret
- R
- Damon Jones
An interracial couple is attacked and the woman is gang-raped in a random attack. This prompts the woman to commit suicide and the man decides to seek revenge from the inside by joining the gang.
Visit the movie page for 'Pariah' on Moviefone. Discover the movie's synopsis, cast details and release date. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and movie review.