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  1. 9 de nov. de 2009 · Oliver Cromwell was a political and military leader in 17th century England who served as Lord Protector, or head of state, of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland for a five-year ...

  2. 22 de dez. de 2021 · Oliver Cromwell was a Member of Parliament. He had been a leader of the Parliamentarian army who, by 1648, had defeated Charles I’s Royalist close Royalist A person who supported King Charles I ...

  3. 21 de nov. de 2024 · Oliver Cromwell - English Civil War, Protectorate, Lord Protector: During 1643 Cromwell acquired a reputation both as a military organizer and a fighting man. From the very beginning he had insisted that the men who served on the parliamentarian side should be carefully chosen and properly trained, and he made it a point to find loyal and well-behaved men regardless of their religious beliefs ...

  4. 奥利弗·克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell,1599年4月25日—1658年9月3日),出生于英国亨廷登郡,英吉利共和国首位护国主(1649年5月—1658年9月3日在任),英国政治家、军事家、宗教领袖。17世纪英国资产阶级革命中,资产阶级新贵族集团的代表人物、独立派的首领。奥利弗·克伦威尔出身于亨廷登郡的一个 ...

  5. 17 de ago. de 2024 · Oliver Cromwell was a Member of Parliament. He had been a leader of the Parliamentarian army who, by 1648, had defeated Charles I’s Royalist close Royalist A person who supported King Charles I ...

  6. オリバー・クロムウェル(英語: Oliver Cromwell 、1599年 4月25日 - 1658年 9月3日 [1] )は、イングランドの政治家、軍人、イングランド共和国初代護国卿(Lord Protector)。

  7. Oliver Cromwell, foi um militar e líder político inglês e, mais tarde, Lorde Protetor. Nascido no seio da nobreza rural, os primeiros quarenta anos da sua vida são pouco conhecidos. Após passar por uma conversão religiosa na década de 1630, Cromwell tornou-se um puritano independente, assumindo uma posição, no geral, tolerante, face aos protestantes do seu tempo. Um homem intensamente ...

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