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  1. 28 de ago. de 2017 · 从历史上说,old school有两个意思。. 含义一是,上世纪九十年代的rappers称呼更久远(八十年代)的MC的说唱是old school。. 那时候说你的说唱是old school,多半有埋汰你老掉牙的意思。. 缘因嘻哈诞生就是要从简单的flow、基础的beats开始,一如我们今天嫌弃喇叭牛仔 ...

  2. All Activity. Going a full circle into a Marina again. KwS's 1973 Morris Marina Coupe. It's happening, the Marina is finally booked in for a WOF. It's only a couple of years late, but better than never. I started the day with a checklist of things that needed to be done before the WOF booking in a couple of weeks.

  3. 26 de abr. de 2024 · Well its been a while but I am back. Finally got my hands on another old-school car after much going back and forth on several other choices. Car arrives in mid-May. Has a 2M and 5 speed but will be swapping out for modern drivetrain later on.

  4. 24 de ago. de 2024 · Expand. If you have disc on the front and drums on the back boosting only the front should be fine. In most cars the front brakes do 90% of the work. Discs require higher pedal pressure to work than the old drums.

  5. 7 de out. de 2004 · Too technical for general chat? Post here.

  6. Post your two-wheeled projects here. Richy's Mid Life Crisis, Season 2, Episode 2, "Ride, fall off, rinse in a river, repeat."

  7. 14 de abr. de 2024 · nels. Members. 338. Local Area: BOP/Central. Author. Popular Post. Posted August 17. Got a little distracted and started to make a shrinker/ stretcher stand out of a $30 marketplace engine stand.

  8. 31 de ago. de 2019 · 467. posts. Australia Roll Call. By Terrick down Under, March 28, 2021. All Activity. Home. New Zealand's Classic and Retro Car Community! is a forum to show off your old cars, bikes and more.

  9. 15 de jun. de 2014 · 都有Old School和Nu School之分. 街舞的沿革 以时代特色为标准,街舞可以分为Old School和New School两类,前者为20世纪80年代的街舞风格,后者产生于90年代,在音乐和动作上都有相当大的改观。. Old School Old School的音乐有非常快的节拍来配合Breaking的动作,而后随着Hip-Hop ...

  10. 28 de ago. de 2013 · Projects and Build Ups. A Forum to show off your cars and any modifications you may have done or be doing. Followers 4. Start new topic. Sort By. 1. 2. 3. 4.

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