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  1. 30 de nov. de 2021 · Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) adalah teknologi Microsoft yang memfasilitasi berbagi data aplikasi dan objek yang ditulis dalam berbagai format dari berbagai sumber. Menghubungkan membangun koneksi antara dua objek, dan embedding memfasilitasi penyisipan data aplikasi. OLE digunakan untuk manajemen dokumen gabungan, serta transfer data ...

  2. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia encyclopedia. Object Linking and Embedding ( OLE ), cuya traducción literal es "incrustación y enlazado de objetos", es el nombre de un sistema de objetos distribuido y un protocolo desarrollado por Microsoft. Una tabla creada en OpenOffice Calc embebida en un documento de OpenOffice Writer como un objeto OLE.

  3. 对象链接与嵌入(英語: Object Linking and Embedding ,OLE)是能让应用程序创建包含不同来源的复合文档的技术 。 OLE不仅是桌面应用程序集成,而且还定义和实现了允许应用程序作为软件“对象”(数据集合和操作数据的函数)彼此进行“链接”的机制,这种链接机制和协议称为部件对象模型(Component ...

  4. O OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) é uma tecnologia desenvolvida pela Microsoft que permite a integração e compartilhamento de informações entre diferentes aplicativos no ambiente Windows. Com o OLE, é possível criar documentos compostos por objetos de diferentes tipos, como texto, imagens, planilhas e gráficos, e manipulá-los de ...

  5. OLE DB. OLE DB ( англ. Object Linking and Embedding, Database, иногда записывается OLEDB, OLE-DB ) — набор COM - интерфейсов, которые позволяют приложениям унифицировано работать с данными разных источников и хранилищ ...

  6. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a technology that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects, developed by Microsoft. It is found on the Component Object Model. For developers, it brought OLE custom controls (OCX), a way to develop and use custom user interface elements. On a technical level, an OLE object is any object that implements the IOleObject interface, possibly ...

  7. 29 de ago. de 2022 · OLE is a mechanism that allows users to create and edit documents containing items or "objects" created by multiple applications. Note. OLE was originally an acronym for Object Linking and Embedding. However, it is now referred to as OLE. Parts of OLE not related to linking and embedding are now part of Active technology.