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  1. História. Com o princípio de difundir a teologia do luteranismo pelo mundo, uma esquadra saiu da Alemanha ao rumo do Brasil poucos anos; o primeiro indício da propagação da crença luterana no Brasil aconteceu em 1532, com a chegada de Heliodoro Heoboano, que era filho de Helius Eobano Hesse, amigo de Lutero, no porto de São Vicente, São ...

  2. Lutheranism, branch of Christianity that traces its interpretation of the Christian religion to the teachings of Martin Luther and the 16th-century movements that issued from his reforms. Along with Anglicanism , the Reformed and Presbyterian (Calvinist) churches, Methodism , and the Baptist churches, Lutheranism is one of the five major branches of Protestantism .

  3. Luteranizm – doktryna teologiczna i chrześcijański ruch reformacyjny, zapoczątkowany przez Marcina Lutra w XVI wieku [3] (za datę jego rozpoczęcia uważa się rok 1517). Jest to najstarszy i czołowy nurt protestantyzmu. Największą grupę Kościołów luterańskich zrzesza Światowa Federacja Luterańska, do której w 2019 roku ...

  4. › wiki › LuteranismLuteranism - Wikipedia

    Articol principal: Martin Luther. Credința lui Luther l-a făcut să intre, în 1517, în conflict cu Biserica Romano-Catolică. În 1515, papa Leon al X-lea, fiind dornic să strângă banii necesari renovării catedralei San Pietro de la Roma, l-a însărcinat pe dominicanul să vândă indulgențe. Prin vânzarea de indulgențe se oferea ...

  5. La rose de Luther. Le luthéranisme est le courant protestant issu des écrits du théologien allemand Martin Luther. Ce courant de pensée a favorisé l'émergence d'une théologie et d'Églises au cours du XVIe siècle, tout en restant la référence dogmatique principale des luthériens, notamment en Allemagne, dans les pays scandinaves et ...

  6. In Lutheranism, the Eucharist (also called the Mass, the Sacrament of the Altar, the Lord's Supper, the Lord's Table, Holy Communion, the Breaking of the Bread, and the Blessed Sacrament [1] [2]) refers to the liturgical commemoration of the Last Supper. Lutherans believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, affirming the doctrine ...

  7. Eastern Lutheranism (also known as Byzantine Lutheranism or Byzantine Rite Lutheranism) refers to Lutheran churches, such as those of Ukraine and Slovenia, that use a form of the Byzantine Rite as their liturgy. [1] It is unique in that it is based on the Eastern Christian rite used by the Eastern Orthodox Church, while incorporating theology ...