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  1. 24 de jun. de 2024 · Understanding Apache Kafka Architecture. Kafka is open-source distributed streaming platform, designed to handle large amounts of real-time data by providing scalable, fault-tolerant, low-latency platform for processing in real-time.

  2. Franz Kafka, nascido na cidade de Praga, é considerado um dos mais importantes escritores do Ocidente, autor de obras que se tornaram clássicas, como a famosa narrativa A metamorfose, em que seu protagonista, o caixeiro-viajante Gregor Samsa, é misteriosamente transformado em um repugnante inseto gigante.

  3. 28 de dez. de 2020 · We recently published tutorial videos and a series of tweets on the Apache Kafka ® platform as we see it. After you hear that there’s a thing called Kafka but before you put hands to keyboard and start writing code, you need to form a mental model of what the thing is.

  4. 9. Kafka Streams. Kafka Streams 是一个用于处理和分析存储在 Kafka 系统中的数据的客户端库。 它建立在重要的流处理概念上,如恰当地区分事件时间(event time)和处理时间(processing time),支持窗口操作(window),exactly-once 处理语义以及简单高效的应用程序状态管理。

  5. › table-engines › integrationsKafka | ClickHouse Docs

    如果使用 ALTER 更改目标表,为了避免目标表与视图中的数据之间存在差异,推荐停止物化视图。. 配置 . 与 GraphiteMergeTree 类似,Kafka 引擎支持使用ClickHouse配置文件进行扩展配置。

  6. › introApache Kafka

    Apache Kafka: A Distributed Streaming Platform. Introduction. Everything you need to know about Kafka in 10 minutes (clicking the image will load a video from YouTube)

  7. Apache Kafka: A Distributed Streaming Platform. 主页 介绍 快速开始 使用案例 文档 入门 APIs kafka streams kafka connect 配置 设计 实现 操作 安全

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