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  1. Doctor of Law or Doctor of Laws is a degree in law. The term varies from country to country, and includes degrees such as the Doctor of Juridical Science (J.S.D. or S.J.D), Doctor juris (Dr. iur. or Dr. jur.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Juris Doctor (J.D.), and Legum Doctor (LL.D.). In the United States and Canada, a Juris Doctor is a degree ...

  2. JD degrees are offered by ABA-approved law schools, by schools that are not ABA-approved, and by many law schools in Canada and other countries around the world. Find a law school. In the U.S., admission to a JD program requires a bachelor’s degree. The admission requirements differ in other countries. Additionally, every school has its own ...

  3. 法務博士(専門職) (ほうむはくし せんもんしょく、Juris Doctor degree〈J.D. または JD〉、Doctor of Jurisprudence degree〈D.Jur. または DJur〉)は、 専門職大学院 が付与する 専門職学位 の1つであり、 法科大学院 を 修了 した者に授与される。. 日本では原則として ...

  4. 15 de jun. de 2023 · A Juris Doctor (JD) degree is the professional degree necessary to become a lawyer. A JD degree is a terminal degree —or the highest level of degree you can achieve in a given discipline. In order to begin a Juris Doctor program, you will need to have first earned your bachelor’s degree, but you do not need a master’s degree .

  5. The Juris Doctor (abbreviated J.D.) is the degree awarded in the US (and some common law countries) after the completion of law school (typically a three-year post-undergraduate program, which does not require a thesis). This is the replacement of the Bachelor of Law (See Bachelor of Law ). Most states requires a J.D. to be admitted to the bar ...

  6. Doctor juris. Doctor juris (forkortet dr. juris eller dr.jur.) er en tradisjonsrik betegnelse på en juridisk doktorgrad, og i nyere tid særlig betegnelsen på den juridiske forskningsdoktorgraden som ble brukt i Danmark og Norge. Graden er en av de tre tradisjonelle doktorgradene i de klassiske universitetsdisiplinene med røtter fra ...

  7. Juris Canonici Doctor (em português, "Doutor em Direito Canônico") é a expressão latina que designa o mais alto grau de estudos em Direito Canônico da Igreja Católica Romana. Normalmente o título é abreviado como J.C.D., Pode também ser escrito na forma Iuris Canonici Doctor ( I.C.D. ). Somente universidades pontifícias e faculdades ...