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  1. 10 de abr. de 2024 · Data analysis is a process for obtaining raw data, and subsequently converting it into information useful for decision-making by users. [1] Data is collected and analyzed to answer questions, test hypotheses, or disprove theories. [11] Statistician John Tukey, defined data analysis in 1961, as:

  2. Há 4 dias · Like the § Tukey window, this window naturally offers a "flat top" to control the amplitude attenuation of a time-series (on which we don't have a control with Gaussian window). In essence, it offers a good (controllable) compromise, in terms of spectral leakage, frequency resolution and amplitude attenuation, between the Gaussian window and the rectangular window.

  3. Há 6 dias · John W. Tukey (1980, p. 23) Philosophical idea of gaining insight by hermeneutics: EDA is a data scientist’s way of doing hermeneutics — see the corresponding definitions in Wikipedia or The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy for details — to get a grip on some dataset.

  4. 7 de abr. de 2024 · What it was like to be a student of John Tukey. Thinking like a statistician – and why you’ll never go back once you start. Turning weakly good graphs into strongly good graphs. Why it doesn’t pay to get results before you’re ready. How to tell better stories with data.

  5. 9 de abr. de 2024 · John Tukey contrasted exploratory data analysis (EDA) with confirmatory data analysis (CDA) and described it as an attitude and similar to detective work. We list some corresponding principles and gather all skills and tools introduced so far to gain some insights into a dataset.

  6. 8 de abr. de 2024 · 矢崎 裕一. 2024年4月7日 19:27. John Tukey は 1962 年に "The Future of Data Analysis" という論文を発表し、当時の統計学のアプローチを大きく批判しました。 主な主張は以下の通りです。 自分は長らく統計学者だと思ってきたが、数理統計学の発展を見るにつれ、疑問を感じるようになった。 自分の中心的な関心事は、データ分析であり、それは数理統計学が適用されるデータを分析する手順、その手順の結果を解釈する技術、データ収集の計画などを含む、より広範なものである。 データ分析は知的内容、理解可能な形式、経験による検証の3つの要素をすべて持つ科学である。 一方、論理的な一貫性と証明可能性を重視する数学は、経験による検証がないため、科学ではない。

  7. Há 6 dias · Resumo: John Tukey disse que a melhor coisa sobre ser um estatístico é poder brincar no quintal dos outros: “The best thing about being a statistician is you get to play in everybody else’s backyard.” De fato, estatística é útil em todas (ou quase?) disciplinas diferentes como medicina, química, processamento de imagens, até mesmo linguística.