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  1. › wiki › John_HayJohn Hay - Wikipedia

    John Hay (1838-1905) was a close associate and biographer of Abraham Lincoln, and served as Secretary of State under William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. He negotiated the Open Door Policy, the Hay–Pauncefote Treaty, and the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty, among other agreements.

  2. John Milton Hay (Salem, 8 de outubro de 1838 – Newbury, 1 de julho de 1905) foi um escritor, diplomata e político norte-americano que serviu como o 37º Secretário de Estado dos Estados Unidos de 1898 até sua morte durante as presidências de William McKinley e Theodore Roosevelt.

  3. John Hay was the secretary of state who promoted the Open Door policy in China and negotiated the Panama Canal treaty. He was also a lawyer, a journalist, and a literary author who wrote about Abraham Lincoln.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. John Hay foi um influente diplomata do século XIX, criador da política de Portas Abertas na China e no Canal do Panamá. Ele também co-escreveu uma biografia de Lincoln.

  5. 22 de ago. de 2019 · John Hay was a diplomat, writer, and secretary of state who served under Lincoln, McKinley, and Roosevelt. He advocated for the Open Door policy in China and the Panama Canal, and co-wrote a biography of Lincoln.

  6. Learn how Secretary of State John Hay promoted the principle of equal opportunity for trade and commerce in China in 1899-1900, and how he responded to the Boxer Rebellion. Explore the historical context, sources, and legacy of the Open Door Notes.

  7. John Hay was an American statesman, diplomat, author, and secretary to Abraham Lincoln. He negotiated many treaties that expanded the U.S. influence in the world, such as the Panama Canal Zone and the Open Door Policy in China.