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  1. Janeane Garofalo is an American comedian, actress, and former co-host on Air America Radio. She has appeared in more than 50 movies and TV shows, and is known for her alternative comedy style and political views.

  2. IMDb provides an overview of Janeane Garofalo's life and career, from her stand-up comedy to her TV and movie roles. See her photos, videos, credits, trivia, and more on the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content.

    • January 1, 1
    • 1.55 m
    • Newton, New Jersey, USA
  3. Janeane Garofalo é uma atriz, comediante, ativista política e locutora de rádio estadunidense. Conheça sua trajetória profissional, desde o stand up até o cinema, e suas posições políticas, como favorável ao aborto e crítica à invasão americana no Iraque.

  4. Learn about the life and career of Janeane Garofalo, a comedian and actress known for her cynical and sarcastic humor. Find out her birth date, family, trademarks, trivia, quotes and more on IMDb.

    • September 28, 1964
  5. Conheça a atriz americana Janeane Garofalo, famosa por seus papéis em filmes como Romy e Michele, O Pentelho e Louco por Você. Veja sua biografia, filmografia completa e fotos no AdoroCinema.

  6. Learn about Janeane Garofalo's latest tour dates, film and TV appearances, podcast, and more. Watch videos, listen to audio, and download her stand-up special If You Will.

  7. Watch Janeane Garofalo perform stand-up comedy and chat with host Chris Thile on Live from Here, a public radio variety show. She talks about pedestrian flow, cell phone conversations, and vocal fry.

    • 9 min
    • 29,3K
    • Radio Heartland