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  1. › wiki › James_IhaJames Iha - Wikipedia

    James Iha is an American rock musician and co-founder of the Smashing Pumpkins. He also plays in A Perfect Circle and Tinted Windows, and has a solo album and several collaborations.

  2. James Yoshinobu Iha, nascido em 26 de março de 1968 em Chicago, Illinois, é um guitarrista norte-americano, descendente de japoneses, mais conhecido pelo seu trabalho na banda de rock alternativo The Smashing Pumpkins, e mais recentemente em A Perfect Circle.

  3. www.jamesiha.comJames Iha

    James Iha is a writer, composer, producer and performer. James began his career in Chicago as a co-founder and contributing songwriter of The Smashing Pumpkins.

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  4. Learn about James Iha's career as a co-founder of The Smashing Pumpkins, a member of A Perfect Circle, a film and TV scorer, and a solo artist. Find his social media links, discography, and clothing brand.

  5. ジェームスイハソロデビューアルバムレットイットカムダウンからのシングル1998年作品).

    • 3 min
    • 309,7K
    • EMI Records Japan
  6. 84K Followers, 459 Following, 64 Posts - James Iha (@jamesihaofficial) on Instagram: "Musician/Composer/Married Dad of 2/California Resident/My Only Instagram Profile/ French Bulldog Enthusiast".

  7. › channel › UC_s-B6VDpnSd0UyCxE07DHwJames Iha - YouTube Music

    Listen to songs and albums by James Iha, a guitarist and co-founder of the Smashing Pumpkins. Explore his solo projects, collaborations and covers of other artists.