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  1. Jacqueline Picasso or Jacqueline Roque (24 February 1926 – 15 October 1986) was the muse and second wife of Pablo Picasso. Their marriage lasted 12 years until his death, during which time he created over 400 portraits of her, more than any of Picasso's other lovers.

  2. Jacqueline Roque est la dernière femme et égérie de Pablo Picasso, qu'elle a rencontré en 1952 et épousé en 1961. Elle s'est suicidée en 1986 et repose aux côtés de l'artiste dans le parc du château de Vauvenargues.

  3. Jacqueline Roque conheceu Picasso na Riviera Francesa, na Cerâmica Madoura, onde ela trabalhava e onde ele criava e pintava seus trabalhos em cerâmica. Eles se tornaram amantes, casando-se em 1961. Foi a segunda mulher de Picasso. Picasso criou muitas obras baseadas em Jacqueline, pintando em um só ano, cerca de 70 retratos.

  4. 8 de nov. de 2017 · Jacqueline Picasso ou Jacqueline Roque (24 de fevereiro de 1927 – 15 de outubro de 1986) era mais conhecida como musa e segunda esposa de Pablo Picasso. O casamento durou 11 anos até sua morte, período em que ele criou mais de 400 retratos dela, mais do que qualquer outro amor de Picasso.

  5. Learn about the life and art of Jacqueline Roque, the woman who inspired Picasso for 20 years and became his wife in 1961. See photos and paintings of her, from ceramic workshops to Cannes villa, and her relationship with his animals.

  6. Learn how Jacqueline Roque met Picasso, became his companion and inspired his artworks, despite his chauvinism and misogyny. Discover how she was portrayed with his dog Kaboul and how she differed from his previous wives and mistresses.

  7. Learn about Jacqueline Roque, the woman who inspired Picasso's creativity and appeared in his paintings, drawings and sculptures. See his portrait of her, a tribute to her quiet and discreet collaboration, in the Museu Picasso Barcelona.

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