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  1. Born on July 26, 1727, in Maldon, England, Horatio Gates came to America at the age of twenty-two as a volunteer with the governor of Nova Scotia, Edward Cornwallis. In 1754, Gates rose to the position of captain and fought during the French and Indian War , suffering a wound during Major General Edward Braddock's defeat in western Pennsylvania in 1755.

  2. Born on July 26, 1727, in Maldon, England, Horatio Gates came to America at the age of twenty-two as a volunteer with the governor of Nova Scotia, Edward Cornwallis. In 1754, Gates rose to the position of captain and fought during the French and Indian War, suffering a wound during Major General Edward Braddock's defeat in western Pennsylvania in 1755.

  3. 20 de fev. de 2024 · General Horatio Gates was an officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He led American forces to victory at Saratoga but failed at Camden. He was also involved in the Conway Cabal, a plot against George Washington, and the Newburgh Conspiracy against Congress.

  4. 11 de jun. de 2018 · *Gates, Horatio* (1727/8–1806), Revolutionary War general.Born in Old Malden, Surrey, to an unlettered English customs official and the housekeeper of the duke of Bolton's mistress, Gates was commissioned a British army lieutenant in 1745, through Bolton's influence.

  5. Horatio Gates, Porträt von Gilbert Stuart (1793–1794) Gates’ Frau Elizabeth starb im Sommer 1783. 1784 quittierte er seinen Dienst und kehrte nach Virginia zurück. Er diente als Präsident der Society of the Cincinnati in Virginia und arbeitete an der Neuordnung seines Lebens.

  6. At Saratoga, Arnold and his commander, Horatio Gates, had a difference of opinion about how aggressive to be in fighting off the British advance on September 19, 1777. Gates ordered his Northern Army to be patient and wait until the British got closer before launching a counterattack.

  7. Horatio Gates (Maldon, 26 luglio 1727 – New York, 10 aprile 1806) è stato un generale britannico, durante la guerra d'indipendenza. Proveniente dall' Esercito britannico , all'inizio del conflitto rivoluzionario era uno dei più esperti ufficiali a disposizione del generale George Washington di cui divenne Aiutante-generale svolgendo importanti compiti organizzativi.

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