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  1. Henry James wuchs in einer wohlhabenden Familie auf. Sein Vater, Henry James Sr., war einer der angesehensten Intellektuellen, zu dessen Freunden und Bekannten Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson und Nathaniel Hawthorne zählten.

  2. The father, Henry James Sr. (1811–1882), was among the most important readers and interpreters of Swedenborg in the nineteenth century, a somewhat cantankerous independent thinker who was friends with the Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson and the British philosopher Thomas Carlyle.

  3. Henry James. (Nueva York, 1843 - Londres, 1916) Narrador, crítico y dramaturgo estadounidense de obra psicológica y estructuralmente compleja, considerado uno de los grandes maestros de la ficción moderna. Era hermano del filósofo y psicólogo William James. Estudió en Nueva York, Londres, París y Ginebra, y en 1875 se estableció en ...

  4. 11 de abr. de 2024 · Henry James (born April 15, 1843, New York, New York, U.S.—died February 28, 1916, London, England) was an American novelist and, as a naturalized English citizen from 1915, a great figure in the transatlantic culture. His fundamental theme was the innocence and exuberance of the New World in clash with the corruption and wisdom of the Old ...

  5. 25 de jun. de 2002 · Henry James Sr. is now known mainly as the father of the novelist Henry James and the philosopher William James, but in his own lifetime he was prominent as a writer and speaker in the circles around the Transcendentalists where the heritage of New England Calvinism was transformed into a more optimistic, benevolent and secular Christianity.

  6. Henry James, Sr. and the Religion of Community. By Dwight W. Hoover. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1969. 152 pp. $2.45. - Volume 39 Issue 3

  7. 亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James,1843年4月15日—1916年2月28日),英籍美裔小说家、文学批评家、剧作家和散文家。代表作有长篇小说《一个美国人》《一位女士的画像》《鸽翼》《使节》《金碗》等。1843年4月15日,生于纽约市。幼年主要是在纽约州的奥本尼和纽约市长大的。1860—1862年期间,住在罗得岛的 ...