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  1. Henry Cromwell (* 20. Januar 1628 in Huntingdon ; † 23. März 1674 in Wicken , Cambridgeshire ) war der vierte Sohn Oliver Cromwells und Elizabeth Bourchiers und eine wichtige Persönlichkeit während der Parlamentsherrschaft über Irland .

  2. His second son, Henry Cromwell, married Hannah Hewling, sister of the two Hewlings executed in 1686 for their share in the Monmouth Rebellion, and died in 1711, a major in Fielding's regiment. All content from Kiddle encyclopedia articles (including the article images and facts) can be freely used under Attribution-ShareAlike license, unless stated otherwise.

  3. Thomas Cromwell (c. 1485 – 28 de julho de 1540 ), 1.º conde de Essex, foi um estadista inglês que serviu como primeiro-ministro de Henrique VIII no período de 1532 a 1540.

  4. Henry Cromwell’s Letter Book, 1657 – 1659. The letter book of Henry Cromwell as Lord Deputy Governor General of Ireland, containing copies of all his correspondence as a means of keeping a copy of all letters sent, and is an important source of information on his administration. Letters date from 24 November 1657 to the 15 June 1659.

  5. 9 de nov. de 2009 · He was descended on his father’s side from Thomas Cromwell, a minister of King Henry VIII. Like most children born in the country at the time, Cromwell was baptized in the Church of England.

  6. CROMWELL, HENRY (1628–1674), fourth son of Oliver Cromwell, was born at Huntingdon on 20 Jan. 1628 ( Noble, i. 197). Henry Cromwell entered the parliamentary army towards the close of the first civil war, and was in 1647 either a captain in Harrison's regiment or the commander of Fairfax's lifeguard ( Cromwelliana, p. 36).

  7. Henry Cromwell ha sido un ser humano que, por algún motivo, merece ser recordado, y que para bien o para mal, su nombre jamás debe borrarse de la historia. Vida y Biografía de Henry Cromwell (Huntingdon, 1628-Spinney Abbey, 1674) Político inglés.