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  1. George Monck was one of the architects of the Restoration of the monarchy, along with Pepys' patron Edward Montagu. He was an accomplished military commander and served as Joint-Commander-in-Chief with Prince Rupert, in the campaign of 1666 against the Dutch. Pepys disliked Monck and criticised his judgement calling him a 'heavy dull man'.

  2. George Monck (* 6 de diciembre de 1608-† 3 de enero de 1670) fue un militar y político inglés que sirvió a Carlos I, pero que con la llegada de la república decidió trabajar para Oliver Cromwell hasta que este murió, que será cuando convoque el parlamento para restaurar la dinastía de los Estuardo y otorgar el trono a Carlos II de Inglaterra.

  3. The epithet most often associated with George Monck is ‘honest’ and, in the midst of a dispute about the marriage portion due to Elizabeth Monck, Colonel Pride and his son went out of their way to pin the blame (if any) on Elizabeth Monck’s maternal relatives, assuring the court that George Monck was a man of ‘so great honour and ...

  4. La courte biographie de Sir Julian Corbett, Moine (1889) et les travaux plus longs de John DG Davies, Honnête George Monck (1936), en plus d'être quelque peu inaccessibles, ont tendance à être extrêmement élogieux. Oliver Martin Wilson Warner, Héros de la restauration: une vie du général George Monck (1936), est une

  5. › wiki › George_MonckGeorge Monck - Wikipedia

    George Monck of Monk (Merton , 6 december 1608 – 3 januari 1670), eerste hertog van Albemarle, was een Engels militair. Monck werd geboren in Great Potheridge House te Merton. Hij was een bijzonder onwaarschijnlijke oorlogsheld, van lage afkomst, zwaar en traag, maar met een goede dosis gezond verstand en het zeldzame geluk om op het juiste moment op de juiste plaats te zijn.

  6. Há 2 dias · George Monck. George was the second son of Sir Thomas Monck (or Monk) and Elizabeth (Smith) and was born at Potheridge in Devon 6th December 1608. George was a distinguished naval captain and under Cromwell he was General of the land forces and Admiral at Sea.

  7. Life of George Monck. by Charles Harding Firth, ©1894. George Monck - April 23, 1661 George Monck (or Monk), first Duke of Albemarle. Born 6 Dec. 1608 at Potheridge, near Torrington in Devonshire, was the second son of Sir Thomas Monck, knight, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir George Smith of Maydford in the same county (Thomas GUMBLE, Life of Monck, 1671, p. 1; Visitation of Devonshire, 1620 ...