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  1. George Canning. George Canning ( Londres, 11 de abril de 1770- Chiswick, Middlesex, 8 de agosto de 1827) fue un abogado y político británico, quien se desempeñó como ministro de asuntos exteriores de Gran Bretaña durante las Guerras Napoleónicas y luego en la «Europa de la Restauración» tras el Congreso de Viena .

  2. Canning, George (1770–1827) George Canning ( b. 11 April 1770; d. 8 August 1827), British statesman. Despite a long career in public service, George Canning distinguished himself primarily during his term as Great Britain 's foreign secretary between 1822 and 1827. He had, in fact, previously served as foreign secretary, from 1807 to 1809 ...

  3. In April 1827, Canning became First Lord of the Treasury, or Prime Minister, as we know the position today. His ministry was unpopular, and he was subjected to violent personal attacks, focussing on his humble background and his alleged betrayal of his Tory principles. The attacks were not to last for long, however, for by August of that year ...

  4. The shortest-serving Prime Minister in British history was George Canning, whose premiership lasted a mere 119 days, before he died in office. The irony is that he could well have been one of the longest-serving — if it was not for his unbridled ambition and apparent passion for intrigue, which alienated both the King and his Cabinet colleagues, he might have been appointed 18 years earlier.

  5. George Canning. George Canning (11 tháng 4 năm 1770 - 8 tháng 8 năm 1827) là chính khách Anh thuộc đảng Tory, ông là Thủ tướng Anh, Bộ trưởng Tài chính Anh (10/4/1827 - 8/8/1827), hai chức vụ đó chỉ được chưa đầy bốn tháng thì Canning từ giã cõi đời. Ông cũng từng là Ngoại trưởng ...

  6. George Canning, primer ministro ingles con importancia para la Independencia Argentina Fue un abogado y político británico, quien se desempeñó como ministro de asuntos exteriores de Gran Bretaña durante las Guerras Napoleónicas y luego en la «Europa de la Restauración» tras el Congreso de Viena.

  7. George Canning was an enthusiastic follower of Pitt the Younger, resigning from his post as Paymaster General in 1801 when Pitt resigned as Prime Minister. Popular, witty and intelligent, he ...