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  1. Fritz Straßmann (Boppard, 22 de fevereiro de 1902 — Mainz, 22 de abril de 1980) foi um químico alemão. Foi um dos descobridores da fissão nuclear.

  2. Químico germânico nascido em Boppard, próxima à Coblenz, Alemanha, que com Otto Hahn, produziu o bário por bombardeio de urânio com nêutrons, descobrindo a fissão nuclear (1938). Estudou ...

  3. Fritz Strassmann foi um químico e físico nascido no dia 22 de fevereiro de 1902 em Boppard, na Alemanha. Foi importante por suas pesquisas na área da radioatividade.

  4. Friedrich Wilhelm Strassmann ( German: [fʁɪt͡s ˈʃtʁasˌman] ⓘ; 22 February 1902 – 22 April 1980) was a German chemist who, with Otto Hahn in December 1938, identified the element barium as a product of the bombardment of uranium with neutrons.

  5. Fritz Strassmann was a German physical chemist who, with Otto Hahn, discovered neutron-induced nuclear fission in uranium (1938) and thereby opened the field of atomic energy. Strassmann received his Ph.D. from the Technical University in Hannover in 1929. He helped develop the rubidium-strontium.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  6. Friedrich Wilhelm "Fritz" Strassmann (1902 – 1980) was a German chemist. In 1934, Strassmann joined Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner in their investigation of the bombardment of uranium with neutrons.

  7. Fritz Strassmann was born on February 22, 1902, in Boppard, Germany. He earned his Ph.D. from the Technical University of Hannover in 1929. In 1934, he joined Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner in their investigation of the bombardment of uranium with neutrons.

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