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Food Glorious Food is a British cooking competition show that aired on ITV from 27 February to 24 April 2013, hosted by Carol Vorderman with judges Tom Parker Bowles, Loyd Grossman, Anne Harrison, Stacie Stewart and Andi Oliver who was a guest judge for the Harrogate heats.
- Cooking
Food Glorious Food: With Carol Vorderman, Tom Parker-Bowles, Stacie Stewart, Anne Harrison. Every recipe tells a story. And every family has one that makes us laugh, rediscover precious memories and sums up all that's great about food.
- (6)
- 2013-02-27
- Reality-TV
- 60
Watch Food Glorious Food (2013) free starring Carol Vorderman and directed by Mark Dolan. Every recipe tells a story. And every family has one that makes us laugh, rediscover precious memories and sums up all that's great about food.
- Carol Vorderman
- 1
- 9
- Optomen Television
Watch Food Glorious Food · Season 1 free starring Carol Vorderman. Every recipe tells a story. And every family has one that makes us laugh, rediscover precious memories and sums up all that's great about food.
February 26, 2013. 45min. TV-PG. The search for Britain's best home cooked dish kicks off in Malvern; this week as our team of culinary experts search for the best home cooked dish the Midlands and Wales has to offer.
Food Glorious Food is a British television culinary programme which started on 27 February 2013 and ended on 24 April 2013. The show is a joint Optomen and Syco TV production. The competition, in which anyone of any age can enter, searches the country looking for the best home cooked dish, with the winner receiving £20,000 and their dish made ...
Three cracking regional heat winners compete to win a place in the Final; by cooking a whopping 150 portions of their delicious dishes for the bastions of home cooking; the ladies of the Women's Institute.