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  1. A new memoir recalls life at Eton College – the school for the country's most powerful and privileged. John Self looks at how it has captured writers' imaginations for decades.

  2. イートン・カレッジ(英名: Eton College〈イートン校〉、正式名称: King's College of Our Lady of Eton beside Windsor)は、1440年に創設された英国のパブリックスクール。男子全寮制のボーディングスクールで、ケンブリッジ大学のキングス・カレッジの姉妹校である。

  3. Mainly Books Antiquarian bookshop Museum of Eton Life Eton College Natural History Museum Castelo de Windsor Eton College Chapel Eton Museum of Antiquities CKT Canoe and Kayak Tours Escape In 60 Rhubarb And Custard Photo Gallery Fudge Kitchen Windsor & Eton Brewery Windsor Duck Tours St. George's Chapel Burning Bush Sculpture Theatre Royal Windsor

  4. Photo de l'enceinte historique d'Eton College. Chapelle d'Eton College. Le collège d'Eton (Eton College) [N 1], fleuron des public schools britanniques, est une école pour garçons âgés de 13 à 18 ans, fondée en 1440 par le roi Henri VI, située à Eton dans le Berkshire en face de la ville de Windsor, à environ quarante kilomètres de Londres [1], [2], vers l'ouest.

  5. › about-us › our-historyOur History - Eton College

    Eton College was founded in 1440 by Henry VI as “Kynge’s College of Our Ladye of Eton besyde Windesore”. Henry wanted his subjects to have the opportunities of gaining knowledge that he had enjoyed, and he made provision for 70 poor boys, known as King’s Scholars, to be housed and educated at Eton free of charge.

  6. Eton College is a charity for the advancement of education. At its heart sits an independent boys’ boarding school which leads a dynamic range of educational activities and an expanding network of educational partnerships.

  7. 3 de jan. de 2016 · No livro “The Importance of Being Eton”, Nick Fraser faz referência a incidentes de assédio sexual durante a sua passagem pela escola, nos anos 60. Mas a verdade é que a reputação de Eton College, nesse capítulo, tem-se mantido intacta, ao contrário do que acontece com tantos outros colégios privados britânicos.

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