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Eileen Blair was the first wife of George Orwell, a writer and political activist. She worked in censorship and food ministries during World War II and died of complications from a hysterectomy in 1945.
27 de mar. de 2020 · Um biografia recém-lançada de Eileen Blair mostra a influência da esposa na obra do autor de “1984” e “A revolução dos bichos”. Eileen Blair casou-se aos 30 anos com Orwell, em ...
- Jerônimo Teixeira
Eileen O’Shaughnessy married Orwell in 1936 and became Eileen Blair (George Orwell’s real name was, rather prosaically, Eric Blair). But she was virtually missing from Orwell’s own, often ...
- Amanda Hooton
10 de fev. de 2021 · Eileen Blair, em 1937. Embora não tenha chegado a conhecer os dias áureos da carreira literária do marido, tendo morrido em 1945 durante uma cirurgia (mesmo antes da publicação de A Quinta dos Animais), recentemente, tem vindo a ser reconhecida a sua importância na carreira de Orwell.
Eileen Blair, who married Orwell in 1936, was a supportive and selfless partner who helped him achieve his literary fame. She also had a strong Irish heritage, but Orwell rarely mentioned it in his writings or biographies.
11 de ago. de 2023 · Miles Franklin-winning author Anna Funder explores the life and letters of Eileen Blair, the little-known wife of George Orwell, in her new book Wifedom. She reveals how Orwell's biographers erased Eileen's role and influence in his work and life, and how Funder relates to her story as a wife and mother.
4 de mar. de 2020 · The names say it all: Orwell was christened Eric Blair and Eileen therefore called herself Eileen Blair; their son, Richard, was also Blair. Sonia, however, who married Orwell on his deathbed, adopted his nom de plume and kept it even after she remarried.