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  1. 24 de jan. de 2013 · After a failed engagement, Edith married a wealthy sportsman, Edward Wharton. Despite similar backgrounds and a shared taste for travel, the marriage was not a success. Many of Wharton's novels chronicle unhappy marriages, in which the demands of love and vocation often conflict with the expectations of society.

  2. Edith Wharton (nata Edith Newbold Jones) (New York, 24 gennaio 1862 – Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt, 11 agosto 1937) è stata una scrittrice e poetessa statunitense. Firma di Edith Wharton Fu la prima donna a vincere il premio Pulitzer per il romanzo L'età dell'innocenza ( The Age of innocence ) nel 1921 .

  3. It leads to trouble between the two soon-to-be spouses. Archer is intrigued by Ellen yet bound by duty to marry May. Edith won the Pulitzer Prize for the novel in 1921. She was the first woman ever to win this award. Edith Wharton died on August 11, 1937, at her home in France.

  4. Wharton férje 1880-tól 1902-ig akut depresszióban szenvedett, így a pár felhagyott az utazásokkal. Ebben az időben depressziója egy súlyosabbra fordult, így a pár ezek után visszavonult az Edith Wharton által tervezett Hegy nevű házukba. 1908-ban férje mentális problémájáról megállapították, hogy gyógyíthatatlan, ezért Wharton 1913-ban elvált tőle.

  5. 20 de jan. de 2021 · Published in 1913, “The Custom of the Country” follows the social rise of Undine Spragg, a fictional character who, in many ways, feels very modern. An undated photograph of Edith Wharton ...

  6. Edith Wharton (ur. 24 stycznia 1862 w Nowym Jorku, zm. 11 sierpnia 1937 niedaleko Paryża) – amerykańska pisarka, pierwsza kobieta, która zdobyła Nagrodę Pulitzera [1], wielokrotnie nominowana do Nagrody Nobla . Pochodziła z zamożnej nowojorskiej rodziny Jonesów, nazwisko Wharton dał jej mąż, który w 1913 roku trafił do szpitala ...

  7. Edith Wharton (1862-1937) foi uma escritora de romances e contos nascida em Nova York. Foi a primeira mulher a receber o Prêmio Pulitzer de Ficção, em 1921, pelo romance A era da inocência , e também a primeira mulher a receber o título de doutora honoris causa pela Universidade de Yale.

  1. Buscas relacionadas a Edith Wharton

    Edith Wharton livros