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  1. Há 3 dias · De-facto-Anerkennung de gustibus non est disputandum de jure De-jure-Anerkennung de lege ferenda de Luxe De-Luxe-Ausstattung de rigueur Dead Heat Deadheat Worthäufigkeit

  2. Há 1 dia · The Indonesian National Revolution ( Indonesian: Revolusi Nasional Indonesia, Dutch: Indonesische Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog) also known as the Indonesian War of Independence, was an armed conflict and diplomatic struggle between the Republic of Indonesia and the Dutch Empire and an internal social revolution during postwar and postcolonial ...

  3. Há 5 dias · Glej tudi Domači partner. De facto Y. de jure. De facto pomeni "dejansko", to pomeni, da nima pravnega priznanja ali je bilo ugotovljeno na podlagi dejstev. V tem smislu gre za pravni koncept, ki mu nasprotuje de jure ali de jure, kar pomeni „po zakonu“, kar pomeni, da zanj veljajo veljavni pravni predpisi.

  4. Há 5 dias · Die Liste der Staaten der Erde führt die derzeitigen Staaten der Erde auf. Dabei sind jeweils der Name in Langform, die Hauptstadt, Einwohnerzahl, Fläche, Bevölkerungsdichte, Flagge und der Ländercode angegeben. Diese Liste umfasst die 193 Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten Nationen und als Nicht-UN-Mitglieder die Vatikanstadt sowie elf Staaten ...

  5. Há 1 dia · In the United States, affirmative action consists of government-mandated, government-approved, and voluntary private programs granting special consideration to groups considered or classified as historically excluded, specifically racial minorities and women. [1] [2] These programs tend to focus on access to education and employment in order to ...

  6. Há 20 horas · 15. September. Nicaragua (spanische Aussprache [ nikɑˈɾɑɣwɑ ]; deutsch seltener auch Nikaragua, offiziell Republik Nicaragua, spanisch República de Nicaragua) ist ein Staat in Zentralamerika. Er grenzt im Norden an Honduras und im Süden an Costa Rica sowie im Westen an den Pazifik und im Osten an die Karibik .

  7. Há 3 dias · Rather than through de jure segregation, most northern whites and blacks lived in separate neighborhoods and attended separate schools largely through de facto segregation. This kind of segregation resulted from the fact that African Americans resided in distinct neighborhoods, stemming from insufficient income as well as a desire to live among their own people, as many ethnic groups did.