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Há 3 dias · The Inferno describes the journey of a fictionalised version of Dante himself through Hell, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil.
9 de out. de 2024 · Qual o real significado de Assim na Terra como no Inferno? Conforme vão avançando mais e mais para o fundo das Catacumbas, Scarlett e seu grupo têm uma jornada que é baseada em O Inferno de Dante, poema da Divina Comédia. Assim como Dante, os personagens do filme passam por locais que reproduzem os nove círculos do Inferno ...
6 de out. de 2024 · The 9 levels of hell from Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy" get explained within 9 minutes!PS: The Divine Comedy is not representative of Christianity's view...
- 9 min
- 46
- The Super Simplifier
Há 1 dia · O inferno está por perto. Nas pinturas de Roberto Righi o visitante da galeria de arte é arrebatado pela profusão de cores e movimentos, e há uma imediata e dolorosa identificação com o que se passa naquelas 34 situações tão trágicas e tão belas. “Os 34 Cantos do Inferno de Dante” Roberto Righi - 34 óleos sobre tela
11 de out. de 2024 · A whole lot of artists were inspired by Dante’s chilling Inferno, the first section of the The Divine Comedy (c. 1308–21). While Dante outlines the nine circles of hell in his epic poem, here we have 10 depictions of the netherworld.
Há 3 dias · Dante's reference to Caprona in the Inferno, is used to infer that he took part in the siege. Dante's fear for his safe passage through threatening devils, is compared to the fear of the surrendering soldiers at Caprona. Inf. XXI, 88–96. Cardinal Virtues: The foundations of a moral life, attainable by all, regardless of religion.
16 de out. de 2024 · In Dante’s Inferno, those consumed by violence, both against others and against themselves, are confined to the seventh circle. They are submerged in boiling blood, tormented by fierce creatures who make sure they never escape. Dexter’s vision bore witness to a similar fate.