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  1. Sobre "A Hipótese Estética" de Clive. Bell | PDF | Estética | Emoções. O Scribd é o maior site social de leitura e publicação do mundo.

  2. Charleston, Vanessa, and Clive’s country home in East Sussex, was a primary Bloomsbury meeting place and an evolving, total expression of the group’s collective aesthetic philosophy. The home became Vanessa’s primary residence in 1916, when she moved there with her and Clive’s two young sons; Grant; and Grant’s lover, the artist David ...

  3. 31 de jan. de 2022 · Clive Bell’s Radical Aesthetic Vision. The British philosopher and art critic Clive Bell (1881-1964) was a prominent proponent of the formalist approach to aesthetics. In this specific sense, he advocated and significantly developed an aesthetic ethos stemming back to the work of Kant. According to Kant, what we value in a work of art is its ...

  4. 克莱夫·贝尔(Clive Bell,1881—1964)英国形式主义美学家,当代西方形式主义艺术的理论代言人。早年在剑桥大学攻读历史学,后来对绘画产生强烈兴趣,并与女画家丝蒂芬结婚。曾参加英国著名学术团体布鲁姆斯伯里集团(The Bloomsbury Circle),并成为其主要成员之一。主要著作有:《艺术》、《自 ...

  5. 16 de jun. de 2021 · Bell lived and died as a ‘highly civilised loafer’ (as he described his occupation in Who’s Who): with this entertaining and nuanced biography, Hussey has filled in a valuable piece of the Bloomsbury jigsaw, providing rich new insight into a major player in the story of 20th-century art. From the June 2021 issue of Apollo.

  6. Clive Bell - consulte a biografia e bibliografia do autor de Arte. Para saber o prazo que levará a receber a sua encomenda, tenha em consideração:

  7. 28 de jan. de 2022 · The British writer Clive Bell (1881-1964) was nobody’s idea of a leading man. Henry James described him as a “quite dreadful-looking little stoop-shouldered, long-haired, third-rate” person.