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  1. A Igreja Católica chama todos os membros a praticar a castidade de acordo com seu estado de vida. A castidade inclui temperança, autodomínio, crescimento pessoal e cultural e graça divina. Requer abster-se de luxúria, masturbação, fornicação, pornografia, prostituição e, principalmente, estupro.

  2. Há 1 dia · Roman Catholicism is a Christian church that has been the decisive spiritual force in the history of Western civilization. Along with Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism, it is one of the three major branches of Christianity. It is led by the pope, as the bishop of Rome, and the Holy See forms the church’s central government.

  3. Anticatolicismo. Anticristo, pintura de Lucas Cranach, o Velho, 1521, retrata o Papa como o anticristo, que usa a coroa papal. O anticatolicismo (também chamado de catofobia[ 1] ou catolicofobia[ 2]) é um termo genérico para a discriminação, hostilidade ou preconceito contra o catolicismo, e especialmente contra a Igreja Católica, seus ...

  4. › wiki › CatholicismCatholicism - Wikipedia

    Catholicism haes twa main meanins, described in Webster's Dictionar as: 1) "the faith o the Roman Catholic Kirk , or adherence tharetil." 2) "the hail orthodox christian kirk , or adherence tharetil"; an the term comes frae the Greek adjective καθολικός-ή-όν (katholikos), meanin "general" or "universal".

  5. The Catholic Church began with Jesus Christ and his teachings. It is a continuation of the early Christian community established by the Disciples of Jesus. The Church believes its bishops to be the successors to Jesus's apostles and the Church's leader, the Bishop of Rome (also known as the Pope ), to be the only successor to Saint Peter who ...

  6. › wiki › CatolicismCatolicism - Wikipedia

    Catolicism. Pentru alte sensuri, vedeți Biserica Catolică. Catolicismul (din greacă καθολικός, katholikos, „atoatecuprinzător”) este un sistem doctrinar exprimat în teologia latină și tradiția Bisericii Catolice. Catolicismul se bazează pe textele Sfintei Scripturi și pe deciziile a 21 de concilii ecumenice.

  7. Catholicism has had a significant cultural, social, and political impact on the United States, with the religion being long associated with the Democratic Party and left-wing political movements. Anti-Catholicism was the policy for the English who first settled the New England colonies, and it persisted in the face of warfare with the French in New France .