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  1. Katherine Woodville, eigentlich Rosemary H. Mason (* 12. März 1938 in London, England; † 5. Juni 2013 in Portland, Oregon), die auch als Catherine Woodville und Kate Woodville bekannt ist, war eine britische Film- und Fernsehschauspielerin. Sie erlangte unter dem Namen Catherine Woodville (1955–1966) in Großbritannien Bekanntheit.

  2. Catherine Woodville - The Sister Of The White QueenOne of the most influential women of Medieval England was Elizabeth Woodville, the woman who became Queen ...

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  3. Woodville, Katherine (c. 1442–1512)English royal . Name variations: Duchess of Buckingham, Duchess of Bedford; Catherine Woodville; Catherine Wydeville. Source for information on Woodville, Katherine (c. 1442–1512): Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia dictionary.

  4. Katherine Woodville (Londres, Inglaterra, 4 de diciembre de 1938-5 de junio de 2013) [1] también conocida como Catherine Woodville y Kate Woodville fue una actriz de cine y televisión británica. Fue conocida como Catherine Woodville en Reino Unido. Cambió su nombre profesional a Kate Woodville al mudarse a América.

  5. Daughter of Richard Woodville, 1st Earl of Rivers, and Jacquetta of Luxembourg.Her first husband was Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham.His father, Humphrey, Earl Stafford, a Lancastrian, was killed at the first Battle of St Albans in 1455 when Henry was an infant, and his grandfather, the First Duke of Buckingham, another leading Lancastrian, was killed five years later, in 1460.

  6. Beyond her role in forging diplomatic ties, Catherine Woodville was a patron of the arts, contributing to the cultural flourishing of the period. Controversies and Challenges: The Woodvilles' rapid rise also brought with it accusations of overreaching ambition and allegations of sorcery, particularly against Jacquetta.

  7. 9 de ago. de 2022 · Elizabeth Woodville left her mark on history as queen consort of King Edward IV. Her sister Catherine, on the other hand, became a figure in the shadows. In ...