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31 de ago. de 2019 · I don't think (a) works. As 'bully' is a verb, I'd say 'bullier' is a legitimate word, and we need that word in this context. I'd vote for (b). It is possible that neither is really grammatically sound. One could always go for. c. A lot of these tough, cool guys bully weak people. But I'd like to emphasize what they are.
11 de set. de 2014 · Sep 11, 2014. #3. 'than' is a comparative word. It has no distinct 'meaning'. I could say, " You are more a liability than an asset ." I hope that clarifies. The passage says that the man is more a bully than a beacon*, or less a beacon than a bully. 'Than' is an appendage or marker that goes with 'more' or 'less' or other words to show one ...
9 de jun. de 2012 · According to my explanation, bully their way means to make progress/advance by bullying motorbikes, i.e. by scaring them into yielding and making way, or, as definition 2 reads, 'to make one's way aggressively' (which is why I advised you to look up bully in a dictionary). Bully one's way is not a very common expression.
9 de out. de 2019 · English - Scotland. Oct 9, 2019. #3. It was a catchphrase of the late Jim Bowen when presenting a TV game show called Bullseye. It means that nothing is better than a bit of bully. Bully was an animated character which was the show’s mascot, and I always understood the phrase to mean that nothing was more enjoyable than the show.
31 de out. de 2010 · Google gave 153,000 hits for "I stood up to the bully" and only one for "I stood up against the bully" which jives with my inclination. "I stood up" already implies "against." "Against" is better suited for different verbs, IMO, such as "protested against" or "demonstrated against," perhaps since these verbs don't state for or against and therefore need clarification.
14 de jun. de 2022 · They usually had a beat and rhythm that coincided with the work being done. Blow (imperative verb) = Let the wind blow hard. me (informal/colloquial) = my. bully (adjective and interjection) = excellent, very good, admirable, fine, etc. boys (informal) = men. * shanty - Dictionary of English.
25 de ago. de 2019 · I'd like to say this in Spanish. Bedroom bully: is a man/woman who controls and dominates the bedroom. He/she can be aggressive and forceful during sexual activity! Serve you pain and pleasure while making you wet. Enjoys the pleasure of pleasuring, and has a few limits with the attitude of “just do what daddy or mama says”!
6 de fev. de 2023 · Senior Member. Brussels. English - English. Feb 6, 2023. #1. Shut someone down, meaning to bully into silence. Example: He was not interested in honest dialogue. He was just trying to shut me down.
6 de mai. de 2007 · chinese. May 6, 2007. #1. Hi, everyone: I wonder if there is an idiom or expression that describes someone who “bullies the weak, fears the tough”. More explanation: The quoted part is a set saying used to describe one's personality in my language. I wonder how would a native speaker express the same idea. Best wishes.
23 de out. de 2011 · Now that Fjordenson was no longer there to bully Lite about her quite dangerous sort of witchcraft, she could tell what had happened to her shadow. She explained how it had mysteriously drifted away during her time travel, and how her ghost had left her sort of half-dead body to float in the sky, at quite a height.