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  1. Learn about the life and achievements of Bradley Wiggins, a British former professional cyclist who won the Tour de France, Olympic gold and world titles in multiple disciplines. Find out his biography, career highlights, awards and records on this comprehensive article.

  2. Biografia do ciclista britânico Bradley Wiggins, que ganhou oito medalhas olímpicas e o Tour de France 2012. Saiba mais sobre sua carreira, suas conquistas e suas distinções.

  3. 15 de dez. de 2023 · Bradley Wiggins victory in the 2012 Tour de France sparked a run of six British wins in seven years. Sir Bradley Wiggins says the "haunting experience" of his father's jealousy drove him to...

  4. 19 de jul. de 2024 · Bradley Wiggins, Belgian-born British cyclist who was the first rider from the United Kingdom to win the Tour de France (2012). He also won eight Olympic medals, five of which were gold. Learn more about Wiggins’s life and career, including his other notable wins.

  5. Find out the career highlights and achievements of Bradley Wiggins, the former British cyclist who won the Tour de France and the Olympic ITT. See his points, teams, races and dates of retirement.

  6. 15 de ago. de 2020 · Learn about the career and achievements of Bradley Wiggins, who won eight Olympic medals, including five golds, in road and track cycling. Find out how he became the first British winner of the Tour de France and the first to achieve the Tour-Olympic double in 2012.

  7. 9 de abr. de 2022 · Shoulder to Shoulder: Conversations from the Road with Sir Bradley Wiggins, a cycle ride from Dumfries and Galloway to the Isle of Wight in support of men’s mental health takes place April...