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  1. 31 de ago. de 2024 · A 24 ans, Jack sort de prison il a passé toute son adolescence pour un meurtre qu'il a commis lorsqu'il était enfant. A sa libération, il s'installe le plus loin possible de ce scandale encore présent dans les esprits. Un autre nom, un travail, une maison.

  2. 30 de ago. de 2024 · Jack (Andrew Garfield) heeft bijna vijftien van zijn vierentwintig jaar in jeugdgevangenissen doorgebracht. Nu is hij vrij, krijgt een nieuwe naam, een baan en een nieuw leven. Zolang zijn echte naam niet aan het licht komt, ziet zijn toekomst er hoopvol uit.

    • (39K)
    • John Crowley
  3. Há 1 dia · BBC News. 9 hours ago. A 14-year-old boy and his father were in court for the first time, charged in the murder of four people in a gun attack at a Georgia high school. Colt Gray was arrested ...

  4. Há 21 horas · A 14-year-old boy stands charged with four counts of murder, accused of using a semiautomatic assault-style rifle to kill two students and two teachers this week at his high school in Georgia.

  5. Há 8 horas · A 14-year-old boy stands charged with four counts of murder, accused of using a semiautomatic assault-style rifle to kill two students and two teachers this week at his high school in Georgia. Colt Gray had his first hearing Friday after being charged as an adult in the latest mass shooting at a school in the U.S.

  6. 17 de ago. de 2024 · Ispirato a un vero fatto di cronaca del 1993, l'assassinio del piccolo James Bulger per mano di due bambini poco più grandi, Boy A è un romanzo d'esordio struggente e appassionato. Il lucido, spietato racconto di come sia difficile lasciarsi il passato alle spalle.

  7. Há 2 horas · September 7, 2024 / 2:21 PM EDT / CBS Baltimore. BALTIMORE-- A 16-year-old boy was arrested and charged in the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old boy, that took place inside Joppatowne High School ...