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  1. Australian Theatre for Young People specialises in integrating professional theatre practice with supportive youth theatre process. We love working with all levels of the arts industry, from the most celebrated national companies to the smallest youth theatres.

  2. Australian Theatre for Young People (ATYP) has created the ATYP On Demand platform to remove geographic and economic barriers that students and teachers across Australia face when wanting to engage with performing arts. Join Today!

  3. Australian Theatre for Young People (ATYP) is a not-for-profit national youth theatre company located in Woolloomooloo, New South Wales, Australia. It was founded in 1963 by Eleanor Witcombe.

  4. › aboutAbout - ATYP

    Be indisputably recognised nationally and globally as a leading theatre company that fearlessly champions young artists. 2: Deliver inclusive opportunities that connect young people with the professional theatre industry. 3: Be a leading advocate for youth arts and its’ social impact.

  5. ATYP is the national youth theatre company of Australia that connects young people with the professional theatre industry. Learn about their vision, programs, resources and history on their website.

  6. ATYP is excited to continue offering Australias leading youth theatre education programs in 2024. From our home on Pier 2/3 in the Walsh Bay Arts Precinct, students and educators can join us for Past the Shallows, Intersection Festival, Student Workshops, Work Experience, and so much more.

  7. ATYP stages plays that speak to the experiences and challenges of growing up and growing older. Explore the online platform to watch and learn from professional theatre by and for young Australians.