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  1. Arnold Joost van Keppel, 1st Earl of Albemarle, KG (January 1670 – 30 May 1718) was a Dutch States Army officer and nobleman who fought for William III of England and became the first Earl of Albemarle.

  2. Arnold Joost van Keppel, 1.º Conde de Albemarle KG, e Lorde de De Voorst em Guelders (Guéldria) (Zutphen, 30 de janeiro de 1670 — 's-Hertogenbosch, 30 de maio de 1718) foi um nobre e militar neerlandês. Foi o favorito de Guilherme III de Orange, futuro rei da Inglaterra, Escócia e Irlanda. [1]

  3. Overview. Arnold Joost van Keppel, 1st earl of Albemarle. (c. 1670—1718) courtier and army officer. Quick Reference. (c. 1670–1718). Dutch confidant of William III. Born in Holland, Keppel attended William of Orange to England in 1688 as a page of honour. He rose quickly in the king's ...

  4. Having succeeded to his father’s lordship of Voorst in Gelderland in 1685 while still a minor, Arnold Joost van Keppel accompanied the stadtholder, William of Orange, on his invasion of England. He was made a page of honour shortly after the king’s coronation and a groom of the bedchamber in 1690.

  5. 21 de mai. de 2018 · Keppel, Arnold Joost van, 1st earl of Albemarle (c.1670–1718). Dutch confidant of William III. Born in Holland, Keppel attended William of Orange to England in 1688 as a page of honour.

  6. Arnold Joost van Keppel is gedoopt in Zutphen op 30 januari 1670 [1], graaf van Albermarle, was een Engels-Nederlandse edelman die als gunsteling van Willem III van Oranje-Nassau een vooraanstaande positie en grote rijkdom verwierf. Deze telg uit een Gelderse familie studeerde in Cambridge.

  7. Arnold Joost van Keppel, 1st Earl of Albemarle primary name: Keppel, Arnold Joost van other name: (1st Earl of) Albemarle