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Anne Parsons, Condessa de Rosse (nascida Anne Messel, anteriormente Anne Armstrong-Jones; 8 de fevereiro de 1902 – 3 de julho de 1992), foi uma socialite e uma das fundadoras da Sociedade Vitoriana e a mãe de Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1.º Conde de Snowdon, ex-marido da princesa Margarida, Condessa de Snowdon.
Anne Parsons, Countess of Rosse (née Messel, previously Armstrong-Jones; 8 February 1902 – 3 July 1992), was an English socialite and one of the founders of The Victorian Society. She was the mother of Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon and Brendan Parsons, 7th Earl of Rosse. [1]
2 de jul. de 2024 · Princess Margaret was known as a great beauty of her age – a captivating figure celebrated for her poise, exquisite taste and sense of style. But many of the same qualities were also possessed by her mother-in-law, Anne Parsons, Countess of Rosse, who died 31 years ago this week.
Há 2 dias · Anne Parsons, Countess of Rosse (née Messel, previously Armstrong-Jones; 8 February 1902 – 3 July 1992), was an English socialite and one of the founders of The Victorian Society. She was the mother of Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon and Brendan Parsons, 7th Earl of Rosse .
8 de fev. de 2021 · Filho de pais divorciados (um advogado, Ronald Armstrong-Jones, e uma mulher de família com raízes artísticas, Anne Parsons, que se tornou condessa de Rosse pelo seu segundo casamento), Antony desenvolveu uma carreira de prestígio como fotógrafo da alta sociedade e frequentava os mesmos espaços que a princesa.
Anne Parsons, Countess of Rosse (née Messel, previously Armstrong-Jones; 8 February 1902 – 3 July 1992), was an English socialite and one of the founders of The Victorian Society. She was the mother of Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon and Brendan Parsons, 7th Earl of Rosse.
9 de fev. de 2016 · Anne Parsons, Countess of Rosse ( née Messel, previously Armstrong-Jones; 8 February 1902 – 3 July 1992), was a society hostess and one of the founders of The Victorian Society and the mother of Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon.