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  1. Alice B. Toklas was an American-born member of the Parisian avant-garde of the early 20th century, and the life partner of Gertrude Stein. She wrote cookbooks, memoirs, and articles, and was known for her cannabis brownies recipe.

  2. Alice B. Toklas (São Francisco, 30 de abril de 1877 — Paris, 7 de março de 1967) foi uma escritora norte-americana que fazia parte da vanguarda parisiense do início do século XX e companheira de toda uma vida da escritora Gertrude Stein.

  3. On the 75th anniversary of Gertrude Stein's death, Cath Pound looks back at the author's bestselling book, The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas, which shocked and insulted the most famous...

    • Alice B. Toklas1
    • Alice B. Toklas2
    • Alice B. Toklas3
    • Alice B. Toklas4
    • Alice B. Toklas5
  4. 6 de nov. de 2006 · One of the notable features of “The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas” is Stein’s high-handed treatment of the lesser people in her circle.

    • Janet Malcolm
  5. A book by Gertrude Stein, written in 1932 and published in 1933, purporting to be the autobiography of her life partner Alice B. Toklas. It covers their personal and artistic experiences in San Francisco, Paris, England, Spain, and Italy, and their friendship with many famous artists and writers.

    • Gertrude Stein
    • 1933
  6. Um livro que narra a vida e as amizades de Gertrude Stein, escritora e colecionadora de arte, na Paris do início do século XX. Veja as avaliações dos clientes, o resumo do conteúdo e as informações do autor e da editora.

  7. 2 de jun. de 2021 · Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas' Enduring Love Story. The larger-than-life writer found unyielding companionship and support from her fellow American expatriate in Paris. In late summer...