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Algernon Charles Swinburne (Londres, 5 de Abril de 1837 - Londres, 10 de Abril de 1909) foi um poeta, dramaturgo, romancista e crítico inglês da época vitoriana, conhecido pela controvérsia gerada no seu tempo pelos seus temas sadomasoquistas, lésbicos, fúnebres e anti-religiosos.
A comprehensive biography of the English poet, playwright, novelist and critic, who wrote about taboo topics and was a member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Learn about his life, works, influences, and legacy.
Swinburne was one of the most accomplished lyric poets of the Victorian era and was a preeminent symbol of rebellion against the conservative values of his time. His books include Poems and Ballads, Second Series (1878), Songs Before Sunrise (1871), Poems and Ballads (1866), Chastelard (1865), Atalanta in Calydon (1865), and The Queen-Mother ...
10 de jun. de 2020 · Learn about the life and works of one of the most technically accomplished poets of the Victorian age. Discover his daring subject matter, his mastery of forms, and his famous poems such as 'The Garden of Proserpine' and 'A Match'.
Learn about the life and poetry of Algernon Charles Swinburne, an English poet and critic who was a leader of the mid-Victorian poetic revolt. Explore his themes, style, influences, and legacy in this comprehensive article.
- The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Algernon Charles Swinburne (Londrez, 1837-1909 Londrez ) a oa ur barzh ha romantour saoz. Skrivañ a reas barzhonegoù diwar-benn tud eus an Henamzer : Sappho ("Sapphics"), Anactoria ("Anactoria"), Jezuz ("Hymn to Proserpine": Galilaee, La. "Galilean") ha Catullus ("To Catullus"), ha reuz bras a voe diwar o fenn dre ma rae dave d'al lesbianiezh ...
Há 1 dia · Learn about the life and works of Algernon Charles Swinburne, a Victorian poet and critic who challenged social and literary norms with his portrayal of sexuality and taboo. Explore his poems, dramas, and literary criticism on this web page.