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  1. ALAN J. PERLIS, one of the leading figures in the development of modern computer science, died of a heart attack on February 7, 1990, in New Haven, Connecticut, at the age of sixty-seven. Perlis was elected to the ...

  2. (en) « Epigrams on Programming », Alan J. Perlis (trad. Philippe Guglielmetti, Johann Dréo), SIGPLAN Notices (ISSN 0362-1340) , vol. 17 nº 9, septembre 1982, p. 7 ( lire en ligne ) In software systems, it is often the early bird that makes the worm.

  3. 21 de set. de 2022 · Você está em: Principal » Enciclopédia » Alan Perlis, foi um notável estudioso e pesquisador em design de linguagem de programação de computadores, era membro da Academia Americana de Artes e Ciências e da Academia Nacional de Engenharia

  4. 5 de set. de 2022 · Alan Jay Perlis knew a thing or two about programming languages, both as an early pioneer of our industry and as one of the designers of ALGOL. The language that has inspired the one you, dear reader of this magazine, probably use every day to earn a living. In his first-ever ACM Turing Award Lecture, “The Synthesis of Algorithmic Systems ...

  5. 22 de set. de 2023 · Alan Perlis, um renomado cientista da computação e o primeiro vencedor do Prêmio Turing, de fato enfatizou o valor da codificação como uma ferramenta mental para entender uma ampla variedade de problemas.

  6. Alan Jay Perlis (* 1. apríl 1922, Pittsburgh, Pensylvánia, USA - † 7. február 1990, New Haven, Connecticut, USA) bol americký informatik. Je známy najmä vďaka priekopníckej práci v oblasti programovacích jazykov a ako prvý držiteľ Turingovej ceny .

  7. 12 de fev. de 2014 · 随后,Alan Perlis将它引入了大学的课堂。这是Alan Perlis的另一个重要贡献,因为在那个时代,计算机科学混沌初开,程序设计都只是数值分析的一部分。经过Alan Perlis的努力,人们终于看到计算机科学应该是什么样子。