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  1. Full Book Analysis. In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens’ protagonist, Ebenezer Scrooge, personifies the idea that success is found not in hoarding wealth and self, but in service and friendship. Scrooge begins the story’s allegorical journey as a miserable man who openly mocks Dickens’ generous characterization of the Christmas season.

  2. 20 de mai. de 2023 · A Christmas Carol est l’une des histoires les plus célèbres de l’écrivain britannique Charles Dickens. La veille de Noël, Ebenezer Scrooge, qui ne croit pas à l’esprit de cette fête, reçoit la visite de quatre fantômes. Sa compagne décédée apparaît pour lui annoncer que trois fantômes vont venir : l’un lui montre son passé ...

  3. Ebenezer Scrooge is a hard-hearted old miser who hates Christmas, exploits his clerk Bob Cratchit, and mocks those who seek to help the poor. On Christmas Eve, though, he is visited by the ghost of his former business partner, Jacob Marley. Marley warns him that his selfishness will lead him to suffer in the afterlife and adds that Scrooge will ...

  4. Die Erzählung "A Christmas Carol" ist ein Buch von Charles Dickens aus dem Jahr 1843. Im Fokus steht der kaltherzige, geizige Ebenezer Scrooge, der sein Leben und seine Einstellung radikal ändert, nachdem er mit seinem eigenen Tod konfrontiert wurde. Dickens Schreibstil zeichnet sich vor allem durch detaillierte Ausschmückungen aus.

  5. 5 de jul. de 2012 · Learn About A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Last Updated on June 24, 2023 – Originally published July 5, 2012. A Christmas Carol, probably the most popular piece of fiction that Charles Dickens ever wrote, was published in 1843. The publisher was Chapman & Hall (although Dickens paid the publishing costs) and the illustrator was John Leech.

  6. 12 de dez. de 2014 · It's Christmas time, and the greedy Mister Scrooge is not feeling the holiday spirit. Three ghosts visit him overnight to change his ways. The Ghost of Chris...

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  7. 《聖誕頌歌》(A Christmas Carol)最初於1843年出版發行,是狄更斯第一本,也是最有名的一本關於聖誕節的書。這是一篇寓言,講的是冷酷無情的守財奴埃比尼澤·斯克魯奇(Ebeneezer Scrooge)在聖誕前夜,先是見到已故的合夥人雅各·馬萊(Jacob Marley)的鬼魂,又在同一晚見到三個來造訪的魂靈——聖誕 ...