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  1. Religion in ancient Rome consisted of varying imperial and provincial religious practices, which were followed both by the people of Rome as well as those who were brought under its rule. The Romans thought of themselves as highly religious, and attributed their success as a world power to their collective piety ( pietas ) in ...

  2. Religião na Roma Antiga. Interior do Panteão, templo de todos os deuses, em Roma (hoje transformado em igreja). Ave natura, 1910 obra de Cesare Saccaggi que representa uma procissão romana a Ceres, deusa do trigo. A religião na Roma Antiga caracterizou-se pelo politeísmo, com elementos que combinaram influências de diversos cultos ao ...

  3. Roman religion, beliefs and practices of the inhabitants of the Italian peninsula from ancient times until the ascendancy of Christianity in the 4th century ce, during a period known as Classical antiquity. The Romans, according to the orator and politician Cicero, excelled all other peoples in the