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  1. A principal causa de rutura do reto femoral é devido a mecanismos indiretos ocorrendo, maioritariamente, devido a uma contração violenta do músculo, principalmente na fase excêntrica (fase de maior estiramento muscular), como num remate no futebol.

  2. O quadríceps é uma das maiores musculaturas do corpo, e tem o músculo reto femoral como componente biarticular, localizado na parte da frente da coxa. É formado por quatro músculos: vasto medial, vasto lateral, vasto intermédio e reto femoral.

    • Epidemiology
    • Clinical Presentation
    • Pathology
    • Radiographic Features
    • Radiology Report
    • Treatment and Prognosis
    • History and Etymology
    • Differential Diagnosis
    • See Also

    Rectus femoris muscle injuries are a common injury in athletes, especially in football/soccer players 1. The rectus femoris muscle is most frequently affected in a quadriceps injury and the most common pattern are muscle strains 1-3. Sports and activities involving a great amount of kicking, jumping and running are considered risk factors for devel...

    In the event of acute strain, patients frequently present with a sharp pain in the anterior thigh associated with a functional deficit. Tenderness with palpation is a typical finding, which can usually be triggered by resisted muscle activity. Palpable defects might be found 3. Chronic strains might present with vague discomfort, thigh enlargement ...

    The rectus femoris muscle crosses two joints, plays an active part in knee extension and hip flexion and features a high proportion of fast-twitch (type II) muscle fibers and is characterized by a complex musculotendinous architecture, which is considered a predisposing factor for strain injury 1. Muscle injury patterns include strains, contusions ...

    Most injuries of the rectus femoris muscle affect the myotendinous junction 4-11and are best evaluated with ultrasound or MRI. Plain radiographs of the pelvis can be used as an initial examination especially in young patients to visualize anterior inferior iliac spine avulsions and to rule out other pathology 4,5. Besides, an avulsion injury of the...

    The radiological report should include a description of the following: 1. location, type and extent of the lesion 2. injury grading if possible 3. the extent of tendon retraction 4. associated injuries

    The vast majority of rectus femoris muscle including avulsion injuries are managed conservatively. Conservative management includes activity modification with an initial period following the RICE (rest, ice, compression and limb elevation) principlefollowed by a comprehensive rehabilitation and exercise regimen. The initial resting period (usually ...

    A tear of the deep myotendinous junction of the indirect head of the rectus femoris muscle was first described by Hughes et al. in 1995 14.

    Conditions that can mimic the presentation and/or the appearance of a rectus femoris muscle injury include: 1. soft tissue tumors 2. bone tumors 3. myositis ossificans

  3. A maior parte das lesões no quadríceps envolve o músculo reto femoral, com os demais músculos permanecendo íntegros. Assim, pode até ser observado um GAP (“buraco”) na musculatura, mas a função costuma permanecer relativamente bem preservada.

  4. O tratamento cirúrgico para a ruptura completa do reto femoral no seu terço médio costuma ser benéfico para atletas competitivos. Geralmente, esses atletas conseguiram retornar ao nível anterior de esportes após uma média de 5 meses da cirurgia.

  5. 1 de mar. de 2019 · O tendão do reto femoral pode se romper ou ficar inflamado na região superior, perto de onde se origina no quadril. A causa primária da ruptura do tendão do reto femoral é o uso excessivo de movimentos, como chutes ou outros movimentos explosivos, como os vistos em corridas de velocidade.

  6. Anatomia do reto femoral. Dependendo da orientação das fibras, os músculos podem ser paralelos (com as fibras retas ou de aspecto fusiforme) ou penados (uni, bi ou multipenados), onde as fibras têm orientação oblíqua em relação à direção da tração exercida pelo músculo.