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  1. 14 de out. de 2020 · Just pushed a new update to the Loot Splitter: Added the option to copy the loot split to the clipboard to paste it in discord for example. Clicking the item picture removes the item from the loot (setting the amount to 0 does the same) Added Blood Raider Debris. 4.

  2. 30 de dez. de 2022 · Total = 1000000 10 player - 5 of them get 50% cut and 5 gets 100%cut (if they joined the content after it started) 100% cut formula as N: (partial cut percent) N (number of players who get partial cut) + N* (number of players who get full cut) = total. Solve for N to get the full cut amount and multiply the amount by the partial percentage to ...

  3. 26 de abr. de 2020 · 10 votes, 15 comments. Hi, I published this app two days ago on GitHub, but to due to huge popularity I decided to go ahead and buy a custom domain…

  4. 26 de jul. de 2020 · 2° create a extra option that generate extra tables for each member in party, this tables contain imbuements options, prey options, cards, that will recalculated as you do now! 3° If you go deep, you can make a system to verify the character user, and that user can pre-config your imbues, and that will be automatically marked when a player ...

  5. 25 de jun. de 2024 · Basically you put all the loot in a bank tab, and send on the discord a screenshot of your party along with the name of the tab with the loot. A moderator will eventually come and sell all that stuff. He then divides 85% of the EMV between all players in the party and adds it to their "balance" in an excel sheet.

  6. 17 de mar. de 2021 · The fastest and fair way is total - repair = after_repair. Then the seller gets 10% of after_repair, because he has to change the orders price at least 1 more time (when he is out bidden). Finally, after_repair * 0.9 has to be split equally between all players that earned the loot. My experience: I sold too many gank loot)

  7. 31 de jul. de 2018 · In terms of how the math works out: manual split of loot with no alliance is less than alliance sharing is less than taking all the loot. 10 chests to be had @ #1k gold each. Scenario 1: Manually Split Loot with no Alliance. Crew A: 5 chests = $5000 Crew B: 5 chests = $5000 Scenario 2: Share loot while in an Alliance

  8. 8 de dez. de 2020 · Just a quick question. This is an example of my last loot split: *Rocks to pay 395k to Isabel Khazagar (Bank: transfer 395343 to Isabel Khazagar) Rocks to pay 254k to Sorcerer Nightwalker (Bank: transfer 253523 to Sorcerer Nightwalker) Rocks to pay 113k to Zampzin (Bank: transfer 113459 to Zampzin)

  9. 23 de abr. de 2020 · Thank you for the time and effort you put in to this. This is one of the things that I hate most about being a knight I have to sell it all sometimes at a loss and everybody wants their money fast as possible. I know I could always just give people the loot but that is even more of a pain in the ass then just giving them gold.

  10. 16 de fev. de 2019 · Everyone looses 25/3 after pay. So pay either 50, 75, 25 - 8.3 each. :) I don’t know I can’t make sense of that in my head. If you want to, I can link a google spreadsheet that you can easily use to split loot and know how much to give everyone. Forget the +100, look at the loot amount. And supplies of each.

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